Boreal Forest Outfitters
Quality Fly-In Fishing and Hunting Adventures
Nakina, Ontario

We offer world-class fly-in moose hunting in WMU's 17, 16C & 18A. These WMU's offer you an excellent chance of harvesting a moose in Ontario.
WMU 17 & 16C gives resident hunters the best chance of drawing an adult moose tag through the resident moose draw allocation.
For non-residents or hunters that don't receive a tag through the draw, we have a limited number of adult moose tags available. These tags go fast so you must book your trip ASAP to secure a hunt with a tag.
WMU 18A also has an archery only season so resident hunters can also apply and hunt archery if they choose.
The moose hunting in our area yields large animals and bulls will huge racks, many bulls get taken over the 50" mark with some into the 60" range.
We are very avid and experienced moose hunters and look forward to providing you with the foundation for the hunt of a lifetime.
Hunter orange is required. Please review the Ontario MNR moose hunting regulations for details.
Check out this video for tips on processing your moose on a fly-in trip.